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5 Triggers Of Hair Loss And The Products To Treat It - A Blog By DS Health Group

Posted by Dean Nappa on May 07, 2020

Most people experience some form of hair loss during their lifetimes. Of course, knowing that you aren’t alone doesn’t make realizing that your hair is thinning any easier. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to address hair loss. It helps to start by identifying why your hair isn’t growing as quickly as it used to. The following at the five most common triggers for hair loss.



Thinning hair is common following a physical or emotional shock or during a period of elevated stress. You may have lost your job or a loved one may have passed away. Stress can factor into your hair loss in a few different ways.

The most direct effect of stress is telogen effluvium. This condition pushes a large portion of your hair follicles into the telogen (resting) phase. At which point, those hairs will begin to fall at an accelerated rate. Many people experience a relatively mild version of this without realizing it.

Alopecia areata, a type of patchy hair loss, is also believed to be impacted by stress. This condition is caused by the immune system attacking the hair follicles. Stress may be a contributing factor to this happening.

Stress-related hair loss is often temporary. Learning to manage stress can help significantly with hair regrowth. However, experiencing high stress for an extended period of time or suffering from alopecia areata may cause permanent loss. Fortunately, even in permanent cases, hair growth treatments can help. 


Nutrition Deficiency

Poor diet is a factor in hair loss. In particular, deficiencies in protein, certain vitamins including C and iron can cause excessive hair shedding. Nutritional deficiency is also associated with weak and brittle hair.

Your hair follicles create hair using a combination of protein and various vitamins. If you are lacking these important nutrients, your body will not be able to grow new, strong hairs. A well-balanced diet is as important for hair growth as it is for other aspects of health.

Fortunately, this type of hair loss is often reversible through dietary improvements, especially if they are made early. See a doctor about a blood test to help determine if nutritional deficiency is a problem.



Certain medications can cause hair loss as a side effect. Most famously, cancer treatments often result in significant but temporary hair loss. This can cause a condition called anagen effluvium which causes significant and sudden hair loss during the anagen (growth) phase. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment are the most closely associated medications with this.

Of course, cancer treatments are not the only type of medication that can affect hair health. Other types including the following:

  • Blood thinners
  • Beta-blockers
  • Antidepressants
  • Cholesterol-lowering drugs
  • Accutane (an acne treatment)
  • Gout medications
  • Birth control

Again, this type of hair loss is usually temporary. If you stop the medication, your hair should regrow. Of course, many of these medications are used for treating serious medical conditions. Do not cease a medication regimen without first speaking your doctor.

If you are not able to adjust your medications, you may still be able to regrow your hair with the right treatments. There is more information on treating hair loss below.


Medical Conditions

Some diseases and medical conditions may cause hair loss. Thyroid issues are a common cause of hair health issues. Your thyroid is responsible for producing hormones that affect metabolism, growth and body temperature. Prolonged overactivity or underactivity of the thyroid produces hair thinning across the scalp.

Other hormonal changes such as due to pregnancy, childbirth, menopause or birth control use can also cause hair loss. This may be temporary and resolve itself. Pregnancy- and childbirth-related hair loss will usually stop once the child is born. Hair loss from birth control can be rectified by changing the medication. Menopause and other long-term hormonal changes may have permanent effects.

Medical conditions such as scalp infections, alopecia areata and a hair-pulled disorder called trichotillomania can also cause hair loss. Ringworm is a common type of fungal infection of the scalp that can cause hair loss. Treatments including ingredients such as

Treating the underlying condition may help to reverse hair loss. However, depending on the severity and duration of the issue, it may not regrow. Additionally, some conditions may not be fully treatable. In these cases, hair loss treatments can often help.



The most common cause of hair loss is age, especially when combined with hereditary factors. People tend to lose their hair naturally as they age. This may present as overall thinning, a receding hairline, balding on the crown or a combination of all three.

Androgenetic alopecia (male and female pattern baldness) is a combination of age-related and genetic hair loss. It is believed to be caused by male hormones, particularly dihydrotestosterone. However, this does not mean only men are affected. While less common, androgenetic alopecia still affects a large portion of women.

Thinning hair may also happen simply due to age without significant genetic factors. Our hair is on a constant cycle of growing than falling out. As our hair follicles become less capable of growing new hair, our hair can become thinner.


You Don't Have To Accept Hair Loss

Some types of hair loss are temporary. Failing to address the underlying cause for slow hair growth can often cause it to come back. However, the most common type of hair loss for men (age-related and genetic) will not resolve itself without help.

Furthermore, even with temporary types of hair loss, such as telogen effluvium, it may not be clear whether the problem is acute or chronic right away. If it is a chronic issue, the hair loss is likely permanent or long-lasting.

No matter what the trigger for your hair loss is, chances are that you don’t want to sit back and accept it. There are options for treating hair loss of all types.


Products To Help Treat Hair Loss

At DS Laboratories, we know that hair is important to our customers. We create products with clinically proven ingredients. Our goal is to offer the most effective solutions for all types of hair loss. These are some of our most popular hair growth products for men:

  • Revita Shampoo: This men's shampoo for hair loss is designed to promote hair growth, block DHT and improve hair health. It includes tested ingredients such as ketoconazole, copper peptides, biotin, procyanidin B2 and caffeine. In a clinical study, 92% of users experienced a decrease in hair loss within 90 days.

  • DNC-N: This innovative topical treatment for hair loss including a 5% Nanoxidil solution. Nanonxidil is an effective vasodilator that opens ion channels in the scalp to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles. This product also includes adenosine, azelaic acid, copper peptides and caffeine. It can combat the creation of DHT while also promoting growth.

Each of these products is carefully formulated to help users both prevent hair loss and grow new hairs. By extending the anagen (growth) phase of hair follicles, these treatments ensure that you will have longer, thicker and more luscious hair. You don’t have to settle for losing your hair. Work with your doctor to treat the underlying trigger and rely on DS Laboratories to help you grow more hair. 

Order DS Laboratories Today 

DS Laboratories’ products have been tested for many types of hair loss including androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata and telogen effluvium. Whether you are suffering from these or any other form of hair loss, you can make the choice to take control of your hair health.

Explore our full catalogue of hair health products and don’t settle for losing your hair. Place your order for DS Laboratories today.


Read the original blog here:

