That’s What She Said - Women's Grooming Tips
Posted by Jerome Mendes on July 18, 2022

While some of us know all about the tips of the trade, when it comes to self-care, the girls have it down pat. So, we sat down with 5 women from our sister company and asked them for their opinion on men’s grooming and how they think a man should take care of himself.
How often do you think a guy should shampoo his hair?
“I think a guy should shampoo his hair 2-3 times a week, no one wants to be rubbing their hands through greasy hair, especially when giving head massages.”
Do you think guys should use retinol?
“I don’t think it's necessary to have a huge skincare routine, but I do think the essentials need to be there and I think retinol is one of them.”
Do you think a guy should be clean-shaven if they can’t grow a full beard?
“Look beards are super sexy but if they are there and they are full. If you have patches, then just be clean shaved. Some people can pull it off and sometimes it’s a bit sexier especially if you have a nice jawline."
How often do you think a guy should shampoo his hair?
“Sometimes you can tell when a guy hasn't shampooed his hair often and it’s a little bit off-putting. you don't want to run your hands through dirty hair. Just keep it clean, keep it hygienic and that's pretty much all I can ask for.”
Do you think guys should wear fragrances?
“Guys should definitely have a staple fragrance; it will have people turning their heads so quickly. There’s nothing more attractive than a guy that smells really good and takes care of himself.”
Do you think it is important for a guy to have a skincare routine?
“Yes, it shows that he can take care of himself and shows that he has pride in what he looks like and what his skin looks like. Some guys might just cleanse and moisturise but, they should definitely be exfoliating as well.”
Do you think guys should wear fragrances?
“I definitely think a guy should wear a fragrance, there’s nothing better than a delicious-smelling man. It definitely makes them sexier.”
Do you think guys should use retinol?
"Guys should be using retinol, as it will reverse the signs of aging, I wouldn't want my partner to look much older than he is. So, if he is 30, he should look 30 and not 50”
Do you think it is important for a guy to have a skincare routine?
“Yeah, for sure! Some guys out there are just using soap and water but really, they should be using a full skin routine from start to finish”
Do you think guys should wear fragrances?
“It's a given, definitely guys should be wearing fragrance. there's nothing sexier than a man, especially if he's in a suit or formal attire and he just smells mmm....”
Do you think a guy should be clean-shaven if they can’t grow a full beard?
“I feel like it’s just weird when guys have patches of hair everywhere and it’s not a vibe. For me, It’s either a full beard or nothing”
Do you think it is important for a guy to have a skincare routine?
“100%! It’s like if my skin looks amazing, then I want your skin to look just as good, so they need to at least be using a cleanser, exfoliator, and moisturiser.”
Do you think it is important for a guy to have a skincare routine?
“I do think it is important for a guy to have a skincare routine, it shows that they do want to look after themselves and not let themselves go.”
How often do you think a guy should shampoo his hair?
“I think a guy should wash their hair every 2nd or 3rd day cause some guys I see just don’t wash their hair enough and it just looks oily and greasy.”
Do you think guys should use retinol?
“Yes, I think it’s important for a guy to use retinol as it's great for anti-aging, and at the end of the day, you don’t want them to look a lot older than what they are.”
The Wrap
So, there you have it. The girls have given us guys the tips we need to groom ourselves and make sure we are looking good and feeling confident.