Hair Loss
Healthy skin isn't only for the shieldmaidens. In fact, it's even more
important for Viking warriors. After all, a beard is only as good as the face
it's growing on. Like Yggdrasill, the world tree, your beard needs a solid
foundation. Without healthy skin, your beard stands no chance in life's daily
So whether you feel like your face lacks the luster it once
had, or you just want to add a little extra polish to your facial hide, here's
something just as handy as a sharpened blade: our Micro-Needle Derma Roller.
Think of it as the ultimate weapon to wage war against unruly, damaged, and
problematic skin. The ergonomic grip makes the Derma Roller feel like a trusty
blade you've wielded time and time again, and the needles effortlessly create
micro-punctures in your skin for better oil absorption (the perfect way to
elevate all the elixirs and tonics that keep your beard up to the gods‚
Plus, these micro-punctures can help firm your skin, reduce
scarring, eliminate stretch marks, and give your skin an overall rejuvenated
look in as little as 90 days. That means aside from moisturizing and protecting
your glorious beard, it also improves hair growth, prevents hair loss, and
reduces itching. The only question left is what you're going to do with all that
confidence once you start using the Derma Roller.